Sunday 21 October 2012

Work! Work! Work! and Journal # 2: Cupcake

When I was a kid, I always dreamed of what my life would be, I wished to grow up asap but now that I'm older, I wish that I could be young again.

I like being grown up I just hate the responsibilities that are linked with being an adult.

I hate the fact that adults should be forced to work. I like working because of the money, it's just that it gets boring as more months come by. I want to be able to do something that's more of ME. I want to be involved in something I'm passionate about. I don't mind if the salaries are smaller, all I care about is my happiness. I want to pursue my dreams and these things are stopping me from doing so. This life that I have now is boring. No fun whatsoever. I feel like I'm being forced into doing things (which, in truth, I AM). How can I escape this? I don't want to continue my MA, work and scholarship anymore. Maybe I just need a break from all this.

Enough with the drama! Moving on...

I want to have my own bakeshop! It's gonna be awesome and I sure do know it! I want a cute-theme with eye-catching colors! It's gonna be fun and I'm so excited. If only I had the money... Well, it all starts with hard work! I have to work harder to attract more customers and increase profits. I wonder what promos could work? I'd have a thanksgiving promo for November 2012 since it's been a year since we started this business. I'd definitely have another one on December since it's Christmas! I'd take advantage of the people's love for food and give discounts and freebies! Haha

Also, I was thinking of creating a new cupcake, something Filipino inspired, maybe a buko (coconut) inspired cupcake or something like that. Oh and I gave up on Joy of Baking's recipes, some recipes weren't as good as I thought they were. Some of the cupcakes turned out to be really heavy and dry. I won't use their recipes anymore. I don't know what went wrong with the recipe. However, if you think that I am wrong, it's fine. This is just my opinion anyway. Maybe it's because of the different weather here in the Phils. than there. Whatever, I don't know.

So, I'm still on the look out for wonderful and awesome tasting cupcake/cake recipes. Know any sites? Feel free to comment and let me know! :)

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