Thursday 30 August 2012

What I love about Subic!

Subic is one of my favorite vacation spots. It is highly accessible and near. You can just drive through NLEX for about 3 hours et voila! Subic is right there! We go there about 4-5 times a year. We just got tired of Baguio, so, we chose Subic as our new favorite vacation spot. We went there last August 20-21, 2012.

What do I love about Subic?
  1. NATURE. I love the mountain views we pass by during the drive to the city. It just reminds me of how beautiful the whole Philippines used to be. It is a good thing they started preserving wildlife in Subic. I love them for that! Subic is very nature friendly. They let the animals live in the forests in the whole city. They have snakes, cow, goat, monkeys running around everywhere. Well, technically snakes don't run, but you get my point anyway.

"What are you looking at?" - Monkey Mom
These monkeys just love visiting people in the villages. you know why? They'd want to steal your food or let you give it to them.Those adorable babies they have, their cuteness would melt your heart. Believe me. I can't help but be amazed at these creatures. It's like I'm highly comfortable with them, exactly like the way I feel about my siblings. (erm, if you know what I mean. LOL)

Aside from the monkeys, there are birds, domesticated cats and dogs, and maybe a chupacabra. I don't really know what else is out there in the forests. It's a mystery to me.

    2.  ROAD DISCIPLINE. Subic traffic is so different from Manila. People in this area OBEY the traffic rules. No one dares to run a red light, swerve, etc. I love it because I love peace and order. I don't like seeing people disobey the rules and get away with it. Here people are being hailed immediately after an offense.

I remember when my dad swerved accidentally. Note the key word here "accidentally." The traffic enforcer hailed him and had him show his license to the officer. They negotiated etc... I don't really want to share what happened. So yeah, they're really strict here, no bribes can stop them. So a warning to new drivers that plan to go to Subic, please don't drive the way you do in Metro Manila. The officers will be watching you like an eagle watching its prey.

   3. ADVENTURE. Like Russel (Disney's Up) would say, "Adventure is out there!"  Indeed, in Subic there is lots of adventure. There are training camps for survival in the forests, ziplines etc. The most famous adventure destinations for me are JEST camp, Zoobic Safari, and Treetop adventure. I loved those places. You'll definitely have fun with nature!

Zoobic Safari is definitely my favorite. Being an animal lover, I got to see and play with the numerous animals they have during the tour and shows. The talent show was amazing! That's one part of the tour that you wouldn't want to miss. Don't worry, they take good care of the animals here. They let them live in an environment mimicking their natural habitats, not in cages.
Ah! They're eating right from me hand!

What I don't like about it is that they ask you to pay for animal treats every freaking time. But I did enjoy feeding the animals especially the love birds and the camel! I bet kids would love those too!

   4. BEACH. Generally, I love the beach. I really do! I love getting kissed by the sun and swimming till my hands wrinkle. Going to beaches is what I look forward to in Subic. Most of the beaches are clean. Some resorts like Camaya protect the sea creatures too. I remember last year, when we went there to swim, there was a net over the sand. There was a sign that said that the net is protecting the turtle eggs that were laid there. Isn't that heart melting? I love their management for preserving the environment and animals.

There are lots of creatures that swim with you while in the Beach. Like a variety of fishes, octopi, starfish, crabs (crustacean not the illness ha ha) etc. I love seeing and watching those things through a snorkle or goggles.I remember going to another beach on the other side of Subic, I forgot the name. Near the shore, there was a baby octopus swimming about. It was so cute. I didn't mean to step on it, I didn't know it was there. It felt weird and icky but good thing it was alive.

Some beaches have banana boat rides, island hopping, kayaking, diving, etc. You just have to know what you want to do beforehand so you can reserve to make sure you can get to do the activity. 

   5. SHOPPING. It is one of the place where I like to go shop to buy clothes and food. Some of the items sold there aren't available anywhere else. Sometimes, it is much cheaper too. Like the Dr Pepper my sister is holding. We rarely find Dr. Pepper in supermarkets in the Philippines. That's why we were so excited to buy them in Subic, well my sister was.By the way, she took all the photos I posted here and in some other blogs too.
Yum yum!
    6. FOOD. The restaurants here are also unique. I am so happy that they aren't that commercialized, not too much Jollibee, Mcdonalds, etc.
There are a lot that we have tried. Be sure to eat at Texas Joe's! My other favorites are Giuseppe's, Wimpy's, and Xpresso Cafe (not sure about the name). Like I said, there are a lot and we haven't the time and money to eat at all of those restaurants.

Oh, what's that over there?
Oh, I can't wait till we meet again Subic. I will keep on dreaming that one day, I'll have a house there with my family and go there as often as I can. Or maybe live there. I don't know.

Unexpect the expected

Isn't life really ironic? The people we expect to do the right things end up doing otherwise. It just really surprises me. The saying should not only go "Expect the Unexpected" but should be "Unexpect the Expected" too. I don't know if the word "unexpect" really exists but you get my point.

For those who may not know, I am in the middle of helping out a former teammate by selling tickets for a concert dedicated to raising funds for the baby. So yeah, I was talking to people, asking for help by simply buying. Sharing to them the amazing story of Mikael, the baby. This is one of the many ways that I could help. If only I were rich, I'd give a big amount of money.

Going back to the unexpect the expected thing, the realization came to me yesterday. I was talking with someone really close to me. Someone that I knew to be compassionate and helpful, even religious. I talked to him about this friend of mine who needed help paying bills for her son's hospital confinement. His response quite shocked me. I cannot believe that it is from him that I would hear this: "Let the rich people help her."

Can someone hand me a gun so I can shoot myself? I mean, wrong answer dude. Where was the compassion I saw in you?

The rich is only 1% of the total population and you are waiting on them to help? What about us, the 99%, who can help? We're just gonna let other people suffer? It may seem like an over reaction but wake up. If I or YOU wouldn't help, then who would? If you were in the same situation, wouldn't you appreciate help no matter how big or small?

I realized then that you cannot just come up to anybody and ask for help. I guess he didn't want to be forced to help. Oh, I don't know why that was the response, maybe something is disturbing him.

I shouldn't totally expect anything from anyone (and same goes for you, dear reader).  It will just lead to disappointment. Advice to self: approach people without thinking what their response would be. As Nike would put it, "Just do it." We will end up losing faith in humanity but we can rely and have faith in God. He will surely never fail us!

I still believe that there is good in everybody. I say that giving is the best form of loving.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Our House is a Zoo

Don't you just love pets? Lemme introduce you to our pets...

First up is Bubbles. 
Merry Christmas, Ice!

 She was a Christmas gift from Cristian. Oh Man, she's really so cute. She's full of energy. I don't know what kind of a dog breed she is. But, I think, that it doesn't really matter. I just  her! :) This was her when she was shedding last January 2012. Her birthday is November 6, 2011. She loves running around and showing off. She knows how to sit, shake hands and stand up. She's quite a fast learner, which I like. 
I hope that even if she grows up, she'll still be sweet to me. 

I'm a sleepy Waffle. Touch me and I'll claw you!
Second, meet Waffle! She's not as scrumptious as her name, I mean HIS name. I like using the word scrumptious. Anywho, this is how he looks like. 

He's a stray cat but now he lives with us. He grew up in the vacant lot next to our house. Our yaya started to feed him. He now sleeps in our garage and watches over our home. He already has "marked" our house as his territory. He did it by showing us how great a hunter he is. He killed a mouse in our house and showed it to us. It was gross. 
Sometimes, he claws me and my sisters or the couch, the carpet and other things. I hate him for that. Long as he keeps our house free from pests like rats, mice and cockroaches, He's free to roam in the house. 

My Third pet is Mindy. She was a gift from Jeremy. We bought it March 2011 at robinson's Galleria. I randomly thought of having a pet turtle. It's not that difficult to take care of one. You just have to feed it twice a day and change its water every 3 days. They don't need baths or too much vet visits. Just do those 2 main things and they'll be fine.  BTW, Mindy is a red-eared turtle. I think.
"Oh, I love swimming!" - Mindy
This is a picture from their old home. they now live in an aquarium, thanks to my sister Candice. *wink wink* We added a few rocks and shells to their aquarium, so that they could lie on a rock or shell from time to time. Mindy used to be just about the size of my palm. Now she's bigger than my hand, they don't grow that fast but they live up to a 100 years. Awesome, right? I want Mindy to be the "legacy" that I'll pass to my children and my children's children. LOL JK. But iy Mindy does make it that long, I want my family to continue taking care of Her even if I die. 

Fourth, This is Quiggle, Mindy's associate.
"This water smells funny." - Quiggle
We're not really sure if Quiggle is a male or female. We just adopted it. S/He was from our neighbor, Kuya Jun. Kuya Jun can't seem to take care of it due to lack of time and space. So we took Quiggle in. I don't know why Candice decided to name it Quiggle. Prolly because it "quiggles" as it moves? Is there even such a word? I don't know. LOL Mindy has a tendency to bully love Quiggle. Mindy takes Quiggle's food and stuff. I don't know what kind of turtle Quiggle is. I haven't tried searching the net and stuff.  

The most recent addition to our pet collection, Hachi. (Collection!?!? LOL)
 I took Hachi in when I found out that He was being neglected at Cristian's house.
Hachi (left), Me (right) Don't interchange it!
PS: The one holding Hachi is Me. And I'm not a dog. JK
Hachi was or still is an introvert. He sleeps most of the time. He isn't as playful as Bubbles was. They get along well because they're siblings. Just like how Mindy bullies Quiggle, Bubbles bullies Hachi in some ways. I managed to stop it by giving them both attention and care. (awwww) Again, I don't know what kind of breed He is. He's a very matakaw dog. He eats a lot, when I say a lot, I mean two servings per meal. If he stops eating like that, then there's something definitely wrong. 

I love all of my pets and I care for them a lot. I give much time and attention to each one of them so that they won't feel neglected or sad. I could say that having pets made me more responsible and caring. I guess it's an effective way of teaching kids/teens responsibility. It's just amazing how I can manage everything plus pets at one time. I don't mind spending money on them. They're like my children now. HAHA

Thank you God for my WONDERPETS! J'aime les animaux!

"Wonder pets, wonder pets we're on our way... Go Wonder pets!"
-Wonder pets, Nickelodeon

Dreams of the Hopeful (Repost)

February 1, 2012
" Vision is non-negotiable for anyone who wants to succeed. It is the blueprint on the inside of a leader, before he ever sees the plan on the outside." 
- John Maxwell

Normal people (not saying that others are not normal) usually have dreams or visions of their life. People aspire for greater lives, happy families, success and many other things. People strive for purpose. For those hoping to find their purpose, dreams become the way of finding it, dreaming of things beyond imagination and possibilities. Like me, I don't know my purpose in life exactly. I dream of things that I know are quite improbable but I still dream of it. Hoping that one day, I'd achieve it.

John Maxwell's quote is inspiring. He emphasizes the power of vision to a leader and that every leader should have it. Success is the reward for people who are determined to achieve their visions. It's like saying that we can't do anything that we've not thought about. 

We need visions to find our direction in life. At times that you are confused, think about your dreams, aspirations and visions for your life. You'll see that what you want is all in your head. 

I dream of a better Philippines. Where the majority of the people don't experience hunger, they're educated and have better lives than before. I don't like poverty. I don't like the thought that other people are suffering while others are wasting money and opportunities away. I want children to have better lives. I don't want them on the streets begging. I don't want children dying of hunger or of an illness that can be cured. I don't like injustice. I hate the fact that people are corrupt and use money to make themselves look good while others suffer. I don't like criminals getting away for all the wrong they've brought upon others. I don't like our corrupt politics. I want our leaders to dream big for our country. We can do better than however we're doing right now. Filipinos are creative and innovative. We could make it out alive, not just alive but the best there is! I don't want our leaders wasting our money (I, too, am now a taxpayer) on some stupid thing. We should invest and improve everything in our country. Like roads, infrastructures, organizational structures, utilities etc. There are a lot of things we have not explored. We should just think. Even if it requires overhauling the democratic system, we should do it. It's for everyone's sake anyways. We should just learn to trust each other and be united. Being an archipelagic (is there such a word?) country is no excuse to be regionalistic and divided.Work together people! We can't achieve anything if we keep on fighting. This is our country we're talking about. If you want a better life, then you're also wanting the other Filipinos to have better lives.

I want Filipinos to have a choice. I want them to be able to explore opportunities and make the best of it. I want them to be able to experience life to the fullest. I want them to make their dreams for themselves and the country happen. 

I've thought about this dream for a long long long long long long time. I've wanted this since high school. I believe in the Filipinos. I'm just still wondering how this could be achieved...

We all want a better life, country and world. It all starts with a dream!

Yesterday's A Dream (Repost)

January 25, 2012
We should all wake up. Stop dreaming about yesterday, it's gone. Nothing you can do to change it. It's time to focus on now and tomorrow.

I like looking back to things that I've done. I wanna know if I made the right decisions. Did I make the right friends? Did I take the right path? Or something like that. I want to be sure. I want to know. Confusion

I know that I've made lots of mistakes but somehow, looking back helps me get some closure. I could always think of ways to change the outcome in my head. If i hadn't done this or that. That makes me feel better. Regret

It's time to let go. Time to change whatever I feel about the past. I can't just live in it and make it rule in my heart and mind. It's all about what I think. Change perspectives and it'll change everything. Optimism

 I dreamed that one day my life would change. I dreamed about living by the ocean, catching the sun on my skin daily. I dreamed about living away from all that tires and drains me. I dreamed of leaving my boring life behind, moving on to greater horizons. I dreamed about having my adventure for a lifetime. Dream

There's nothing wrong with being confused, having regrets, being optimistic and having dreams. It's a normal path of life. A lot of people have questions that are left unanswered but that does not mean they should stop looking. There's always an answer. There's always a resolution to what I'm going through in life. 

Yesterday's a dream, for tomorrow a new opportunity comes! 

My Quarter Life Crisis (Repost)

 January 23, 2012
9:24 PM

*Based on the fact that a person lives for 80 years on average.

Now that the times are tougher, I am starting to get tired of my life. I've had a lot of "what ifs." I've wondered what my life would be if I didn't leave Miriam College. if I didn't meet Cristian, if I didn't pursue my MA, if I didn't play pingpong, and many other things.

I came up with the questions below to challenge myself, to find direction, to know where I am now. Maybe the pressures and stresses of work and school are driving me nuts. But I don't know, the time really comes when you begin to question your purpose in life...

What am I doing with my life?

What have I done in the recent years to bring change to this dying world? I've always wanted to change a lot of things but what have I done? NOTHING. Nothing. I used to tell myself that one day I'll be a change-maker, that I'll help the poor, feed the hungry, make my country a better, peaceful place. All these years I've done nothing. I always talk but never walk. I spend my time studying and studying, it's all in my head.

I should stop being selfish. This life that I am living should not be focused on me. I am better off than other people, so I should stop being so selfish. It's time to think about other people.

What has happened to my dreams?

I've had lots of dreams. Some were unrealistic and childish but some were serious. I dreamed of becoming a songwriter and a singer. I've always had an excellent singing voice. (yabang! haha) I've written a number of songs. Songs that come straight from my heart, life and experiences.

I dreamed of working for an NGO that solves our society's problems from the roots. I've always wanted to do something for the people in need. Remove their hunger and you give them more opportunities and choices in life.

I dreamed of becoming a politician too. I don't want to be corrupt like the others. My focus is not to have money. But to utilize the taxpayers money to improve the citizen's lives. I want to see change and be the change!

All that I am doing now has been a hindrance for me to achieve my dreams. Well, maybe not a hindrance but stepping stones for me to reach my dreams. It's just that I'm getting tired and impatient. I feel worthless for not being able to do anything. I wanna do big things! I know I can do something to change this country! I don't want to just sit around as opportunities to bring change passes me by.

Where am I now?

I still am a student. I am taking my masterals in Economics at Ateneo de Manila University. I'm unexpectedly doing well in school. I am also working part-time as a teaching assistant there. I bring students to the field to do their research for the communities.

I am studying under an athletic scholarship. I play pingpong. It keeps me healthy and sexy! haha I enjoy playing although somewhat I am getting tired of my routine in life. I want a change in my life. I'm getting tired of my life.

What do I plan to do now?

I want a break. I want to rethink my life, What I value, what I really love doing. I want to go on vacation and spend some time with myself. HAHA I feel like dropping everything I have now and just leaving for vacation. I started to feel that whatever I have now is not for me. I don't deserve any of this.

Lord, I pray for direction in life. I wanna know what you want me to do. Let's have it your way this time. I wanna make things right in my life.


Hate Mail (Repost)

My sentiments to the Filipino people until now...
 September 11, 2009

Ito na ung blog na sinasabi ko kanina na susulatan ko ng mga rant at hate ukol sa mga bagay na related buhay ko na sobrang nakakaBV. This may not be interesting to you so skip this and read the last part (the one in BOLD)

1. Nakakaasar sa umaga pag papuntang school kasi traffic. May dalawa kasing school sa Marcos Highway at Magkatabi pa! o dba? edi traffic nga ang aabutin nun. Sa exact same spot pa na un, nandun ung MMDA U-TURN slot. Alam naman nating lahat na nakakadagdag sa traffic ung road blocks na nilalagay nila.

2. Nung pinapanood ko ung mga commuter habang paparating ang isang FX to Santolan LRT na walang laman, may babaeng nauna sa harapan, siningitan siya ng matandang lalaki, kasama ang asawa niya. Hey Old man! Hindi ka ba tinuruan ng pagrespeto sa kapwa ng magulang mo? Hindi porke't matanda ka na pwede mo ng gawin ang lahat ng gusto mo. Hindi ibig sabihin ng katandaan mo na pwede ka mambastos ng kapwa mo! Buti na lang hindi kita napagsabihan. Buti na lang mabait ung babaeng siningitan mo! Kailangan din niya sumakay ano!!! Kaasar ka. Ang sarap sipain.

3. Napansin ko rin na hindi lamang jeepney drivers/kundoktor ang kinaaasaran at sinisisi ng mga may kotse dahil sa matinding traffic. Kung papansin niyo po, ang mga pasahero rin kasi pasaway, kung saan saan nila gusto bumaba eh may TAMANG SAKAYAN at BABAAN na nga. Nakakaasar diba? Tapos magrereklamo kayong (pasahero) hindi kayo makasakay at bastos ung jeep dahil sa TAMA kayo binaba! Kaya hindi umuunlad ang PILIPINAS ay dahil sa mga taong katulad niyo na puro reklamo, nasa MALI naman pala. Kulang kayo sa pagsunod sa batas. Kaya wala akong pakialam kung masagasaan kayo!

4. Nakakaasar din ung non-compliance ng mga tao sa pedestrian lane. Diba? gumawa na nga ng safe area para pagtawiran duon pa sa "nakamamatay" sila tatawid. How stupid can Filipinos be? Sabihin na nating gusto mo ng thrill, edi dun ka sa LRT tumawid o sa tren para thrilling talga! Para mas exciting pa, dun ka sa building ng office niyo bumili ka ng mahabang kahoy na aabot sa kabilang building at dun ka tumawid! Putrages!

5. grr. BV talaga. (Sa Ateneo, may bagong waste segregation.) Sa classroom isa lang ang basurahan, for DRY PAPER lang. Then, one of my genius classmates tried to put in a plastic material of some sort, basta malaki. Sinabihan siya ng isang classmate na Bakit dun niya tinapon eh pangpaper nga. Sabi niya "Eh ayaw ko sumunod eh" What an ASSHOLE!!!!! nakakaasar talaga.

Pag-ako lider ng Pilipinas, papatayin ko lahat ng sumuway sa batas, I don't think na nakakatawa ung ginagawa nilang pang-gagago sa batas na meron tayo. Hindi ko na matolerate ang ganitong behavior. Pag may sumusunod sa batas, may order ang society.

Ganun ba kahirap sumunod ng batas?

Simpleng batas nga lang sa Ateneo hindi pa masunod, sa buong Pilipinas pa kaya? Lam niyo, we should obey rules. Rules are there for a purpose. Ginawa un to protect the citizens, to promote their welfare and many other reasons that I probably may not know.

Philippines: A Damaged Culture (Re-post)

this is just me, my opinion, I know that there are lots of biases or whatever. :)) I just wanted to post this because this is very relevant in the context of our society today. Also, this is not a formal criticism of his article in the Atlantic Monthly, it's just merely an expression of my view.
I'm sorry if some of you will be disappointed with this blog, both in content and grammar. I just thought of it now eh. haha I think that some concepts are not well explained, so sorry for that too.
it's not as serious as you think. It's just really an eye-opener for me. It made me realize, in spite of my Economics teacher, that I should still take Economics as my course and find ways to improve the lives of the citizens of my beloved country, the Philippines.
 While reading, don’t forget to take in consideration the context of the year it was written. Hehe la lang.

A Damaged Culture
Background and Context

This is an article written by James Fallows in the year of 1987.
This was the first time he came to the Philippines. He stayed in the Philippines for 6 weeks.
They refer to the Philippines as a nation without nationalism and pride. (putik yan. Asar.)
    I think that the "truth" in his article is just really depressing. While I was reading it (to be prepped for my SA 21, socioanthropology class) I just can't help but be emotionally involved. I got angry with what he wrote, I don't know. It's just really really depressing.
"The TRUTH hurts."

    He compared our country with other East Asian Countries like Korea, Japan, Singapore and others. He said that the countries that surround us have become the "world's most famous showcases for the impact of culture on economic development."

    He said in the article that "...the culture can make a naturally rich country poor."
Philippine culture, our OWN culture, is the barrier to development.

    It is indeed true that our country is naturally rich in resources but our culture is responsible for our continuous economic downfall ever since the Marcos Era.

How so?

    According to the article there are four barriers to our economic growth.

    First, the culture of delicadeza, it is being careful in what we say or the avoidance of saying unpleasant topics directly or indirectly. Filipinos like to save their faces from shame, we tend to have these excuses for being like this or like that. Why can't we face the truth? Why can't we be more open and just say what really is wrong? This Filipino ethic is a barrier to our transparency.

    Second, Filipinos being religious, we tend to leave things up to GOD. I know that we all have faith in God and in His plans for us but we should not totally rely on Him. In a sense that we don't do anything to change flaws. In the article, Fallows said, "...many Filipinos speak of Cory's goodness, patience, and piety in tones that suggest they think of her as a secular, widowed blessed virgin, and as the only person with even the potential to hold the country together..." (Let me emphasize the word BLESSED.)

    This is how this American guy saw the Filipinos in Cory's Regime, and even though I WASN'T alive during those times, I think that this is true. I think that it was the effect of having Marcos out of the Government, so people started to think that Cory was the "annointed one" of God who saved them from dictatorship. Cory didn't even do much work while in government. How blind were the people then? Why did they let her be president when she wasn't really doing much to improve the economy? "...acting as if her only task had been to get rid of marcos and ride out the periodic coups, rumored and real."

    Third, Filipinos are accepting the structure of inequality. According to the Culture of Poverty theory, some cultures are crippled by a way of life that perpetuates poverty from one generation to the next. It means that WE have this thinking that the RICH are and will continue to be rich and the POOR are and will continue to be poor. This thinking is, of course, affected by religion and traditional way of living. Here’s a concrete example. Farmer A is very traditional in planting his corns or camote. Industries or corporations developed technology that can hasten corn growth from, let’s say, 1 year to 2 months. Farmer A will choose to do it the old way than risk the disaster that can coexist with the new technology. We can change this if we reconstruct or way of thinking. Poverty has something to do with the way we live. Somehow we should learn to leave the traditional way of living in order to move from one class to another.

            Lastly, Filipinos are not nationalistic. I believe so. But I think it is not that we are NOT nationalistic but that we LACK nationalism. There is a significant difference between the two. I notice this in my everyday life. In Ateneo, sad to say, during the singing of the National Anthem, STUDENTS don’t have to sing na nga some don’t even bother to stand pa. What’s more depressing pa, they keep on gossiping with one another. Darn. Standing during the national anthem is just a simple way of expressing nationalism. How come we lack the respect for our country’s flag or anthem?People don't even take FLAG CEREMONIES seriously no more.
That day, I even prayed to GOD, I even asked Him “why?” Kulang na lang umiyak ako ng blood for my country. Why can’t we think beyond ourselves? Why should we care only about OUR needs? OUR lives? Well, again this thinking can be explained by sociology, our ancestors are tribal kasi. Our kinship ties are strong. We tend to be more loyal and faithful to those within our kin, either affinal or consanguineal. We should learn to look at our self in the social world. Nationalism takes practice and effort.

I want you readers to also think and suggest solutions to the barriers mentioned here.
WE are the future of our country, it is about time we start thinking of such things.
Personally, I want to see our generation start the change in our country. We can't just rely on GOD. We NEED to do something.

"If you want our country to prosper, change or whatever...
 say this to yourself
The change should start with ME.
We should take each step in order to attain the change we want."

I want to break something... (re-post)

but it's not your heart. korni
September 08, 2008
Ain't what you call a GOOD day.
I'll hate this day forever
Dito ko naramdaman na SOBRA NA. TAMA NA. I'm sick of this s**t.
Super daming nakakaasar na bagay na nangyari.
Para akong Coke na pag inalog mo at binuksan eh sasabog na.
Nagtitimpi lang ako tlaga eh, pero pag napuno ako. MATAKOT ka na.
Let me kwento...

GOod StUff muna.

1. Maaga ako nagising at masaya ako na ang breakfast ko ay dried pusit.

2. Maaga ako dumating sa skul, hindi ako nalate sa Psych subject ko

3. After ilang attempts na bumili sa BOBA LOCA wala silang sago pero today they had sago.

4. Nag-enjoy ako sa lunch ko na SIOMAI with RICE. my favorite hindi lang dahil mura kung hindi masarap pa.

5. Masaya yung SA class namin.

6. Malamig ung room sa FIL.

7. I was early for training

8. hindi ako naulanan.

9. nagustuhan ng mga classmate ko ung outline na ginawa ko for our report.

10. Kumain kami nila Kuya Perci, Paolo, Claire and Jiggy sa flaming wings.

11. Hinatid ako ni Jiggy sa Overpass.

12. masarap ung wicked oreos. pinalamig ung ulo ko.

13. nakakita ako ng kaibigan sa sakayan na nagsabi sakin na nandun siya 9pm pa at wala siyang masakyan (10:30 na ng gabi nung oras na un).

14. May kahati ako sa bayad sa taxi papuntang Robinson.

15. may payphone na pangtawag sa bahay.

16. mabait si LoRD.

Bad stuff.
    - stuff that really got me mad today na humalo sa stress.

1. naiwan ko ung cellphone ko. nasanay na nga kasi na wala.  ang nangyari di ko makontakt ung classmate ko para gumawa ng outline nung report na this week na. So ako lang ung gumawa at nastress ako dun.

2. nainis ako sa mga taong sobrang ingay nung mainit na ung ulo ko.

3. sumakit ung legs ko at hindi ako makatayo.

4. ang sakit nung tiyan ko. sobra.

5. walang TENDERS MEAL sa flaming wings. un pa naman sana ung kukumpleto ng araw ko pero wala.

6. Gumastos ako ng napakalaki para sa STUFFED PORKCHOP na hindi na nga masarap ang oily pa.

7. Pagdating ko sa Katipunan wala akong masakyan.

8. Nakaslippers ako, basang basa na paa ko.

9. Ang taray nung taxi driver, kaasar. gusto ko na siyang sapakin kaso nahiya ako kay Raffy.

10. Hindi ako marunong gumamit ng Payphone ng PLDT. kaasar talaga.

11. Nagmukha akong tanga dahil hindi nga ako marunong. Hindi siya user friendly pag nagmamadali ka at badtrip ka na at hindi ka nag-iisip. kainis,

12. 10:40pm nagpasundo ako, malinaw kong sinabi kay ate Candice na "sa ilalim ng Overpass sa may Ministop sa Robinsons. Okay? gets? o sige, bye." pero 11:30 na. putcha.

13. Un pla ang magaling kong ate ang sinabi lang sa driver ministop. eh ang dami ring tao dun at madaming taxi so hindi ko napansin. kaya ko nga sinabi na sa ilalim ng over pass para madali akong makita at madali ko rin makita ung kotse.

14. ang mas nakakainis pa dun. Ung driver hindi man lang naisip na "bakit kaya wala pa rin un?" at umabante siya ng mga 100 meters para nakita niya agad ako. mukha akong tanga dun.

15. Naiinis ako dahil sa sobrang inis ko gusto ko sumira ng bagay, pumatay ng kung ano, bring about chaos and disorder into this very unfair world.

16. Naiinis ako na kailangan kong irepress lahat ng nararamdaman ko dahil, ayon sa society at religion na kinalakhan ko,  MALING maramdaman ito.

17. Naiinis ako na wala akong magawa para maalis ung stress at GALIT ko.

18. Naiinis ako dahil pag ginawa ko iyang ga binaggit ko baka magkaroon ako ng DISORDER or mabaliw lang ako sa sobrang stress.

19. naiinis ako dahil tumawag pa sa akin ung taong galit sakin. Tapos wala namang ikukwento kundi table tennis. putcha. sinayang mo oras at buhay ko. gustong gusto ko na magpahinga hindi ko lang masabi dahil isa akong PEOPLE PLEASER. imagine ha, galit pa siya sakin niyan, tas ako parin tinawagan, putek. kaasar talaga. hindi ko talaga maintindihan.


Sa mga nagbasa. sana maintindihan niyo na tao pa rin ako at hindi isang halimaw na galit sa buong mundo. PUNONG-PUNO na talaga kasi ako. naipon lahat ng StreSS,, galit, inis. Sa mga nagtataka sa pagbabago ng ugali ko for the past weeks stress ang dahilan nun.  Patawad sa mga in-ignore ko.
Sana walang magbago sa pagtingin niyo sakin, haha

Friends, Love ko parin kayo.
SOLUTION to those:
or WHat will make ICE happy/relieved?

1. Feed me dried pusit. tapos ung pagkaluto eh hindi crunchy gusto ko ung mejo makunat.
2. Bilhan mo ako ng ZAGU/BOBA LOCA na Mocha/Cafe latte ung flavor.
3. Give me super chocolate ice cream or any ice cream.
4. Have someone sing me a song.
5. Ipakita niyo sa kin ung crush ko. haha
6. Give me anything PURPLE.
7. Tell me a joke.
8. have a friend tambay lang with me kahit walang talking. just a friend who'll be there.
9. Give me candy. please.

What will make ICE more angry? (as of now)

1. Mga taong KSP.
2. pag inaasar ako at wala nga ako sa mood.
3. pag tatanga tanga ung mga tao sa paligid ko.
4. pag wla or hindi kumpleto (ex. walang sago) ung pagkain na kine-crave ko.
5. people who ask a lot of questions that I don't want to answer.

To my 1st year AdMU Professors (Re-post)

I remember writing this for my teachers. I really took time to make these special love notes to them without actually giving it to them. I really can't stop laughing at myself for all the stupid and shallow stuff I wrote. Ha ha.  I hope that my professors would appreciate reading this and not give me an internet slap. LOL.


March 24, 2008
To Mr Tenorio, sir sobrang nag-enjoy kami sa klase mo. Marami akong natutunan tungkol sa panitikan..^_^ Ginawa niyong interesting ang Filipino subject, salamat po! Sana makita pa namin kayo sa susunod na semestre!

To Ms Angela Serrano, ma'am, thank you po sa mga tinuro niyo. Sobrang helpful sa pagsusulat namin ng feature article. Salamat po for being a very kind teacher, kasi sometimes kayo po nag-aadjust sa mga sched namin and thanks for understanding us! We love you ma'am and we missed you nung second sem! see you around!

To Dr. Pedron, (Ten ten ten)
    Dr pamatay kayo! sobrang nahirapan me sa class niyo! Pero ang saya ng class natin because of all the things i learned from you. you made me become more interested in writing and reading poetry/stories/novels. Even though i got low grades, it was all about learning anyway.^_^ thank you so much! We're going to miss you when you leave for Europe or some place else. Come back anytime! ^_^

To Ms Vinarao galing niyo pong teacher! I really enjoyed our Table Tennis Class. THank you for being so nice! Expect that i'll come by to visit you often! Love yah ma'am! Dahil po sa inyo na-encourage akong sumali ng varsity! ^_^hehe God bless you!

To Coach Joel, wahaha, sobrang natutuwa ako sa inyo sir!haha, nakakatawa kasi kayo magsalita at magkwento! Sobrang enjoy ang running class!!! God bless sir!

To Ms. Ana Juarez, Ma'am! Sobrang na-amaze po kami sa ganda niyo nung una kayong pumasok sa class, akala namin student or something.hehe. Salamat for being a very very very nice teacher to us! we're gonna miss you ma'am! galingan niyo po sa pag-aaral niyo pa! ^_^ God bless you!!

To Sir Ariel, Wow sir! Salamat po sa pagiging patient sa class namin, kahit na pasaway kami lagi! Ang galing niyo po magturo at na-encourage ako na mag-aral ng Filipino lalo. THanks sa entertainment na binibigay niyo tuwing class natin kaya hindi nagiging boring ang class. Ingat po kayo lagi sir! Congrats sa pagkapanalo sa *toot*! ^_^ God bless yoU!

To Pao Bugs, sir! Mamimiss ko class natin! sobrang nag-enjoy ako sa gma joke time niyo! haha, Never naging boring ang class natin dahil sa mga hirit niyo na nakakatawa. Kahit na ako ay naging biktima rin ng pang-aasar niyo, ayos lang! Likas na ganun kayo eh,haha, God bless sir!! ingat kayo lagi!^_^

Multiply Reposts

I love my randomness. My previous posts still make me laugh hard. :))

My favorite statements: (which I cannot explain now)
 "Hoy! No littering!"
- ice^_^
"Wala kang pinag-aralan, ang bobo bobo mo!"
- Ms. Pimentel
"oy kat, ung dodo mo nakalabas na!"
"The greatest thing is to love and be loved in return!"
- Ewan Mcgregor, The Moulin Rouge

February 16, 2007

AUn.. IS na naman, Major, si kat inaasar akong itlog.. at para daw kaming preschool sabi ni miss,, makulit kasi kami.. ang ingay..
tapos nagkakalat sila sabi ko, "Hoy! no littering!"
tapos pinikturan kami ni tal ni liance.. stolen! nakakatawa ung itsura ko!
habang nagrereport si eldi, ang lalim ng sinasabi niya.. grabe.. tas nung napalingon ako kay liance ung itsura niya di mo alam kung naiintidihan niya na nag-iisip ng malalim o di niya naiintindihan.. ang talino ni eldi! WOOH!haha
after ng IS si nina naipit sa pinto!haha! joke
nung recess... kasama namin si Belle Victor..
ang saya namin kasi ung mga pinag-uusapan namin ung mga boyfriend nila at si CHuckie(ung pamatay na laruan)
ito ung diko makalimutan sa pinagusapan namin..
kasi sabi nila si chuckie may ni-rape na bata.. sabi ko panu niya ginawa un? eh wala naman siyang "tutuy"??
ang weird diba? tapos tawa sila ng tawa!!
aun........nakakatawa din ung joke ni liance tungkol kay PEPE..
kaya lng bastos kaya wag na lang!
pauwi na kami.. ang hirap sumakay sa katipunan!
mga 710 na kami nakasakay.. at ung jeep na sinakyan namin di mo alam kung pangpasahero ba o pangCircus.. o rollercoaster?! grabe halos lumilipad na ung nakasabit!(eksaj)
tapos ang bilis bilis nila.. nung nasa may santolan na.. may mamang galit na galit
ito sabi niya "PI niyo! PI niyo! gusto niyo ba akong patayin ha? (sabay hampas ng filecase niya sa ulo ng isang guy na kasama nung driver, kasi tumatawa!)"
kawawa noh?
tapos ang lakas pa ng tugtog nila..
tapos ung katabi ko amoy TAHO na dimo malaman!
haha evil ko talaga!!
FUNNY NAMES (mga binaboy ng titser at jokes ng klasmates)
Spoofed                                           Real
1. Eldi Braguda -                         Eldi Laguda
2. Mary Espiritu Santo                Mary Espiritu
3. Laureen Rae Zervulakus          Laureen Rae Zervoulakos
4. Laureen Rae Zervolovski         ""
5. Clarice Kidlat Manuel            Clarice Quiblat Manuel
6. Kris Aquino                          Kathleen Aquino
ang evil!!hehe

Un-Happy Valentines Day (Repost)

Here's another re-post from my multiply site. I just found this really funny. I am crazy! Haha! I edited nothing, I copied it verbatim. Enjoy reading my craziness and shallowness!

February 13, 2007

This day wasn't as good as i expected.. maybe 7 out of 15 hours of the day i was pissed.!
Una, nagkagulo ung plano namen ni ate because of ate sarah and dad..
so nainis ako..
nainis din ako sa theo namin.. kasi ung quiz Barbero! haha.. pati ung teacher ko! naiinis talaga ako sa kanya.. may favoristism, may colonial mentality.. grabe sya magsalita tungkol sa bansa natin.. napaka pessimist pagdating sa Bansa natin..!!
ang evil ko..^_^
aun.. after nyan... nagmadali ako papuntang Sta Lu.. para magpagupit.. at bumili ng costume for PE..
So.. while i was walking.. I was so OUT OF PLACE kasi all the people were mushy and publicly displaying their affection. Who cares kung mahal nila ung isa't isa.. wala naman akong pakialam sa mga love life nila noh.. bad trip talaga!!!!!
aun pagkatas nyan, everythin'  went well..
Si mr Myn ang cool niya and funny.. hehe, oh! he was the haircutter..
papuntang miriam, may guy na nag-stare sakin.. i got freaked out!
then nalate ako sa bext class ko so.. i didn't attend anymore..
it's a good thing maganda na ung mood ko nung last class ko..
aun after class.. masaya kami nila catleya nina roseanne and mitchie.. nabaliw na naman ako!
Bago umalis sa MIRIAM.. I heard this girl say na.. "uy, bili ka naman ng Mocha Praf!" hahaha...evil ko talaga.. siguro ganto ako pag badtrip!
naiinis ako (na naman) kasi di kami makasakay dahil sa freaking people who go out to date.. tapos wala naman silang kotse.. dapat pag magdedate may coche ung guy okei?
naabala kasi kaming mga wala namang sinecelbrate na ganyang ocasyon.. nakakaabala sa buhay ko!!
mga 7 na kami nksakay..
then nag-sta lu kami ni rose anne to buy  VCD's..
then naglibot.. naghanap ng aasarin na mga kaklase na may ka-date..

I'm sooooo EVIL!(natutunan ko po yan kay ALEX SANCHEZ hehe..joke!)
then parang timang ung mga taong sasakay sa jeep.. kasi punu na nga sasakay pa at ipagpipilitan ung sarili nila sa mga 4inches na space.. parang tanga! tapos magrereklamo na masikip! anu ba yan?!?! di kasalanan nung jeep na sumakay ka at umupo!!

buti na lang nakita ko ung crush ko.. kaya mejo lumamig ulo ko!


to all the people who read this.. please be reminded that Tigers and Lions bite when they are hungry..
which means na.. if i am mad do not approach me.. cause I'll bite! haha joke ulit..
what i meant was I will be too brutal or frank..

and do not blame the poor writer if you think this is too mean or hurtful..
She's just trying to express herself!!

Patches and Chase

Suneo (L) and Chase (R)
I was reading through my old blogs thinking of which ones I should keep. Here's one that is worth the read. I love my dogs and all my other pets. Just an update to this, a few weeks after this happened, Chase died too. We don't know for what reason. He just stopped eating and yeah, it was sad.

RIP Patches and Chase
2005- January 2007

January 13, 2007
8:28 AM
Dati ang mga sadness ko lang eh ung heartbroken, feeling ko mamamatay ako.. chuva yan..
ngaun totally sad ako kasi ung doggie naming si Patche seh namayapa na..
pag gising ko kahapon ng umaga.. I petted him.. pinatigil ko siya sa pag-iyak or pag-ungol..
i stayed with him. Then nung paalis papuntang school we sent him to the vet..
so un.. confined siya dun..

then pauwi na kami ni ate..
pagdating sa bahay..
sinabi ni ate sarah na  "Ate, patay na si Patches.. wag mo muna sabihin sa ate mo.."
after she said it.. tears went down through my eyes.. aun.. umiyak ako ng sobra...

"I'm tired." - Patches 
cause i wanted him to live..
then nag-light ako ng kandila sa garden and sat there crying and reminiscing the past..
kasi i wasn't really that kindto him.. naiinis nga ako kasi sobrang kulit niya..
tinatalunan ako parati kapag lalapitan ko siya..
hanggang ngayon nga.. namamaga pa rin ung mata sa lungkot at sa iyak ko kagabi..
nagulat na nga lang ako ng biglang nakita kong umiiyak si Joshua
sabi niya namimis niya si Patches..
Wag nya sana isipin na nababaliw na ako dahil sa sulat
na sinulat ko.. Just wanted to really talk to him..
Dear Patches,

                Please take care of yourself wherever you maybe.We miss you so much and please don't forget to be happy..and Please tell Chase(His brother) to be happy and not cry all night,tell him to stay alive..We don't want to lose him just like you.
We love you so much Patch, Take Care...

Remember me and how i smell..Maybe someday we'd be together again..

                      YOUR LOVING 2nd OWNER,

Journal # -1: Crazy Cupcakes,erm, people, run!

Um, I just couldn't think of an interesting title. Don't blame me, blame my lack of creativity.

The people were and are crazy about the cupcakes. I'm just so happy that the Panda Cupcakes were a hit to the debutante's crowd! I love positive feedback and I love how people appreciate our style and taste for food. 
Dark Chocolate Cupcakes, pretty as they could be!

The cupcakes on the right are the Dark Chocolate Cupcakes frosted with chocolate fudge. Aren't they just pretty? I taught my sister how to frost cupcakes and voila! They look awesome! Plus, it would make my baking load lighter with some extra hands to help around. Ha ha! 

We have a lot more decorating to learn. These are just basic stuff and the more "personalized" orders we get, the more we should learn to decorate. I'm really worried about the wedding though. I think I'm gonna have a difficult time finding an easy way to smooth out a cake and decorate it the way they want it. Any tips? Suggestions? 

I was thinking of buying a tilt table, is it worth it?

*wink wink*
Oh, here's a picture of the panda cupcake we made for the debutante. Cute right? All the effort wasn't wasted after all! 

Wednesday 22 August 2012


I knew that our baking business would pick up. Our customer base is growing and growing. It is just amazing how people begin to appreciate our family's taste for food. I will keep on dreaming about that restaurant/cafe that I will have. 

Recently, we've been getting a lot of attention in our circles. It started with a big order for my sister's friend. She wanted Panda Cupcakes for her debut! I was really excited! But thinking about how to do all of it considering our schedules, made me really stressed. She asked for 150 pcs. of those wonderful and delicious cupcakes. Baking is one of my passions and doing it somehow relieves me of stress but you know it is difficult to handle a BIG order alone. It's a good thing my sister, Candice, is always ready to go and help me. So yeah, we'll be doing the cupcakes tonight and I'll hopefully post pictures (if we have time to take them).

Our take on the "Panda Cupcake"

Well, we'll be getting lots of orders this year for weddings (and maybe until next year). I've got 2 friends who will be ordering cupcakes and cakes for their wedding. They want their cupcakes simple and yet mouth-watering. That's what I would like too. It's difficult to make those, some cupcake shops really just focus on the intense level of sweetness and decorations that they forget what baking and selling is all about. For me, it's fun in making and delight in eating!

I really can't wait for our business to grow and be registered as an official company in the Philippines. God has plans for me and hopefully, THIS is part of it.

Oh and since I am new in this blogging site, I will be posting my old blogs from my MULTIPLY (too bad they're shutting down). I will also be posting pictures of the baking escapades we have! This blogging site will be my new favorite; blogging or writing notes in facebook really isn't just my thing!

Watch out!

King's Crust: Main Price List

*Updated: January 10, 2015

So Yeah, I decided to adopt my sister's name suggestion for our baking business. 

Welcome to the world King's Crust! :)

I learned to bake because I love eating and making food. Those boxes of brownie mix and cookies started my love for baking. Now I don't even need to use 'em. We make our own stuff now!

I could say that baking is now my passion too. It helps me relieve all the stress from school and work. It's something that I could do over and over again without getting tired or stressed. 

Like they say stressed written backwards is desserts! I'm getting hungry now.

Our baking style is home-cooked goodness! We keep our ingredients fresh for best tasting goodies. So it's always better to order from us at least 2 days (48 HOURS) before the expected day of delivery/pick-up.

All our creations are based on our family's passion for great food! We never want to serve customers with just overly sweet treats but we want to serve them with awesome tasting treats that would make them come back for more! We dream that one day we'll get our own restaurant/cafe! With the increasing number of customers, I see that dream coming together now. :)

If you are interested to try out our cakes, cupcakes, and other goodies message me here or our FACEBOOK account

Here are some of the baked goods we make:

-Cakes can be personalized (flavor, cake base, frosting colors, etc)
-We write dedications on the cakes too!

Our spin on the all-time favorite chocolate cake.
Have it your way by telling us your favorite type or brand of chocolate and we'll bake it just the way you like it!
Cadbury? Hershey's? Toblerone? We'll do our best to cater to your taste! (Cost depends on the price of the chocolate specified but the Basic Cake Price is at PhP 450)

Can't make up your mind?
Why not try our Classic Chocolate Cake?
With our tried and true recipe, you can't go wrong!

Dimensions: 2 layer cake
Round 9" x 3", PhP 500
Round 6" x 3", PhP 230

Chocolate Rum Cake Get a little woozy with our boozy Chocolate cake with roasted almond walls.
Dimensions: 2 layer cake
Round 9" x 3", PhP 560
Round 6" x 3", PhP 240
Round 5-1/2" x 1.5", PhP 150

Unlike some carrot cakes, ours contains more love and carrots!
For those who don't like their cakes very sweet, this is perfect for you!
Comes in two variants:
The Tang Special*
and the 
Classic Carrot Cake

*Caution: Contains nuts

Dimensions: 2 layer cake
Round 9", with height of 3.5", PhP 570/PhP 510
Round 6", with height of 3", PhP 290/PhP 240

Southern Red Velvet Cake
The perfect cake to show love! A perfectly moist red cake covered with a light cream cheese frosting!
Dimensions: 2 layer cake
Round 9" X 3", PhP 600
Round 6" X 3", PhP 250 

Dad's Lemon Cake
A cake with a perfect balance of the lemons' sweet and tangy goodness!  
Dimensions: 2 Layer Cake
Round 9"X 3", PhP 550
Round 6"X 3", PhP 280 

Rose Cake
A cake that looks like a bouquet of roses! I think this is the one of the best ways to say "i love you!" The basic rose cake, is a 2-layer white cake with swiss meringue buttercream frosting. :)

You could choose the cake bases(white or chocolate), the number of layers, the flavor of the frosting (depends), the color of the frosting and layers (if you chose white cake base).
*Check our facebook page for pictures!

BASIC Prices:
For 6" cake: PhP 260
For 9" cake: PhP 500

Classic Lemon Cheesecake
A creamy and tangy cheesecake smothered with a lemon curd topping. A must try for lemon lovers!

Round 8" X 2.5", PhP 580
Round 6" X 2", PhP 230  
Round 4" X 2, PhP 160

Blueberry Cheesecake
A perfect balance of blueberries and cream cheese! It's not as sweet like other cheesecakes. It's the cheesecake that you'll crave for!

Round 8" X 2.5", PhP580
Round 6" X 2", PhP230 
Round 4" X 2", PhP160


Ever found yourself feeling tired and sluggish in the middle of your day? Grab one of our Plain Oatmeal Cookies (PhP120/250grams) for an energy boost! 
Great for snacks, people on the go or even those days when you need an upper.

Super moist and chewy, they're a must have for every household!

Cookie Flavors: Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Dark Chocolate Oatmeal, Triple Chocolate Oatmeal, Oatmeal Raisin, Overload Oatmeal Cookies(PhP150/250g).

The King's Crust Cookie is made with an oatmeal cookie base. Half of the cookie is dipped in chocolate and the other half is swirled with some caramel. (PhP 170/250g)

Personalize your cookie: Tell us the toppings of your dream oatmeal cookie and we'll make it for you!(Price may vary depending on number of toppings)

Are you having a BIG party/event? What you need is a lot of cookies to serve them! Try our cookies by the kilo!
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip/Raisin: PhP850
Triple Chocolate Oatmeal: PhP900
Overload Oatmeal Cookies: PhP900

*During bake sales, we sell these cookies per piece.

A famous Filipino cookie. Soft cookies with a sweet sugar shell and chocolate flavor.
Price per tub: (8-9 2"dm pieces): PhP 80

Butterscotch Blondies
The classic blondies perfect for tea parties! 
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Dates and and walnuts for your Mediterranean craving!
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Classic Brownies
Our fudge brownies are so delicious, you'll keep begging to have more.
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 100
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 180

Nutty Brownie
It's not what you're thinking! LOL Brownies with different kinds of nuts. If you want, you can choose what you like. Choices are peanuts, pecans, walnuts, cashews, and almonds.
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Mexican Brownies
Working overtime? Did you know that chocolate is a natural energy booster that contains caffeine and will increase your endorphins to give you a quick pick-me-up?
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Malted Milk Bars
Brownies topped off with malted chocolate and milk chocolate frosting. 
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Melted marshmallows and toasted cashew nuts inside each brownie!
Price per box: (6 1" pieces) : PhP 120
Price per box: (12 1" pieces): PhP 220

Banana Bread with Nut Streusel
This bread is perfect with coffee! The banana's natural sweetness makes the bread more delicious while keeping it moist and fluffy.
This is made with walnuts. :)
Price per piece: P60
Price of one batch (8 pcs.): P450

*Well, if you're a regular, we might add more than what you paid for. :))

CUPCAKES, frosted the way you want!
-For those of you who want great tasting cupcakes, we offer you amazing cupcakes at affordable prices. Try them now! 
- Purchases are sold per piece, per half dozen, and per dozen.
-Got an event? For orders of 50pcs or more, we could provide a cupcake tower for your orders! :)

Vanilla Cupcakes
It goes well with vanilla butter cream frosting. These cupcakes are delicious!
Price per piece: PhP40
Half Dozen: PhP210
Dozen: PhP400

Red Velvet Cupcakes 
Bright red cupcakes with a milk chocolate flavor! Try it!
Price per piece: PhP40
Half Dozen: PhP210
Dozen: PhP400

Dark Choconut Cupcakes 
You'll be surprised of what's in every bite! Really good and healthy! PS. These don't contain any dairy products, it's perfectly vegan!
Price per piece: PhP40
Half Dozen: PhP210
Dozen: PhP400

Chocolate Overload Cupcakes 
No other description needed. Like the name says, it's a chocolate overload!!!You can choose a Dark Chocolate flavor too!
Price per piece: PhP40
Half Dozen: PhP210
Dozen: PhP400

Pizza Cups 
Your favorite snacks now in cupcake form! :) Pizza cups contain ham, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms and our special pizza sauce.
Price per piece: PhP45
Half Dozen: PhP270
Dozen: PhP500

Banana Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
Chocolate goes really well with bananas. With this awesome combination, you won't crave for any other muffin but this!
Price per piece: P45
Half Dozen: PhP250
Dozen: P480

Tang's Cupcakes 
A personal size of the Tang's carrot cake. Light, moist and delicious! With lots of raisins, nuts and carrots!
Price per piece: PhP50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: PhP500

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
Chocolate cupcakes with mint buttercream!
Price per piece: P50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: P500

Southern Red Velvet Cupcakes 
The same awesome red velvet flavor combined with a light cream cheese frosting! :) 
Price per piece: PhP50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: PhP500

Choco Banofee Cupcakes
Bananas, chocolate and tofee in one cupcake! 
Price per piece: PhP50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: PhP500

Key Lime Cupcakes
A sweet and tangy lime cupcake filled with lime curd and topped with a swirl of lime frosting! It's light and healthy!
Price per piece: PhP50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: PhP500

Lemon Meringue Cupcakes
We told you we love lemons! HERE's another must-try recipe. You would love this definitely! A lemon-flavored cupcake with a lemon-flavored curd as a filling. It is topped with a Meringue frosting! :)
Price per piece: PhP50
Half Dozen: PhP260
Dozen: PhP500

You don't know which flavor to take? Or do you wanna try them all? Here are the cupcakes that you would definitely want to try! :)
Dad's Dozen, PhP400. 3pcs. Vanilla Cupcakes, 3Pcs. Chocolate Overload, 3 pcs. Southern Red Velvet, 3pcs. Tang's Cupcake.

The Dirty Dozen, P450. 3 pcs. mint chocolate chip cupcakes, 3 pcs. Banana Chocolate cupcakes, 3 pcs. Dark Choconut Cupcakes and 3 pcs. Choco Banofee cupcakes. 

Do you have a cupcake idea? Share it and We'll make it for you! 

* PS: WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! :) QUALITY? VALUE FOR MONEY? SUGGESTIONS? email us at or message us through facebook!
**Personalized Cakes or Cupcakes use the basic price for the order and depends on difficulty. 
***We give discounts for bulk orders (50 pcs or more). The price for the bulk orders are the price per piece and multiplied to the number of cupcakes to be sold. The discount is computed based on the number of orders. 
****All Items bought come with a box or a reusable container.