Thursday 30 August 2012

Unexpect the expected

Isn't life really ironic? The people we expect to do the right things end up doing otherwise. It just really surprises me. The saying should not only go "Expect the Unexpected" but should be "Unexpect the Expected" too. I don't know if the word "unexpect" really exists but you get my point.

For those who may not know, I am in the middle of helping out a former teammate by selling tickets for a concert dedicated to raising funds for the baby. So yeah, I was talking to people, asking for help by simply buying. Sharing to them the amazing story of Mikael, the baby. This is one of the many ways that I could help. If only I were rich, I'd give a big amount of money.

Going back to the unexpect the expected thing, the realization came to me yesterday. I was talking with someone really close to me. Someone that I knew to be compassionate and helpful, even religious. I talked to him about this friend of mine who needed help paying bills for her son's hospital confinement. His response quite shocked me. I cannot believe that it is from him that I would hear this: "Let the rich people help her."

Can someone hand me a gun so I can shoot myself? I mean, wrong answer dude. Where was the compassion I saw in you?

The rich is only 1% of the total population and you are waiting on them to help? What about us, the 99%, who can help? We're just gonna let other people suffer? It may seem like an over reaction but wake up. If I or YOU wouldn't help, then who would? If you were in the same situation, wouldn't you appreciate help no matter how big or small?

I realized then that you cannot just come up to anybody and ask for help. I guess he didn't want to be forced to help. Oh, I don't know why that was the response, maybe something is disturbing him.

I shouldn't totally expect anything from anyone (and same goes for you, dear reader).  It will just lead to disappointment. Advice to self: approach people without thinking what their response would be. As Nike would put it, "Just do it." We will end up losing faith in humanity but we can rely and have faith in God. He will surely never fail us!

I still believe that there is good in everybody. I say that giving is the best form of loving.

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