Tuesday 28 August 2012

My Quarter Life Crisis (Repost)

 January 23, 2012
9:24 PM

*Based on the fact that a person lives for 80 years on average.

Now that the times are tougher, I am starting to get tired of my life. I've had a lot of "what ifs." I've wondered what my life would be if I didn't leave Miriam College. if I didn't meet Cristian, if I didn't pursue my MA, if I didn't play pingpong, and many other things.

I came up with the questions below to challenge myself, to find direction, to know where I am now. Maybe the pressures and stresses of work and school are driving me nuts. But I don't know, the time really comes when you begin to question your purpose in life...

What am I doing with my life?

What have I done in the recent years to bring change to this dying world? I've always wanted to change a lot of things but what have I done? NOTHING. Nothing. I used to tell myself that one day I'll be a change-maker, that I'll help the poor, feed the hungry, make my country a better, peaceful place. All these years I've done nothing. I always talk but never walk. I spend my time studying and studying, it's all in my head.

I should stop being selfish. This life that I am living should not be focused on me. I am better off than other people, so I should stop being so selfish. It's time to think about other people.

What has happened to my dreams?

I've had lots of dreams. Some were unrealistic and childish but some were serious. I dreamed of becoming a songwriter and a singer. I've always had an excellent singing voice. (yabang! haha) I've written a number of songs. Songs that come straight from my heart, life and experiences.

I dreamed of working for an NGO that solves our society's problems from the roots. I've always wanted to do something for the people in need. Remove their hunger and you give them more opportunities and choices in life.

I dreamed of becoming a politician too. I don't want to be corrupt like the others. My focus is not to have money. But to utilize the taxpayers money to improve the citizen's lives. I want to see change and be the change!

All that I am doing now has been a hindrance for me to achieve my dreams. Well, maybe not a hindrance but stepping stones for me to reach my dreams. It's just that I'm getting tired and impatient. I feel worthless for not being able to do anything. I wanna do big things! I know I can do something to change this country! I don't want to just sit around as opportunities to bring change passes me by.

Where am I now?

I still am a student. I am taking my masterals in Economics at Ateneo de Manila University. I'm unexpectedly doing well in school. I am also working part-time as a teaching assistant there. I bring students to the field to do their research for the communities.

I am studying under an athletic scholarship. I play pingpong. It keeps me healthy and sexy! haha I enjoy playing although somewhat I am getting tired of my routine in life. I want a change in my life. I'm getting tired of my life.

What do I plan to do now?

I want a break. I want to rethink my life, What I value, what I really love doing. I want to go on vacation and spend some time with myself. HAHA I feel like dropping everything I have now and just leaving for vacation. I started to feel that whatever I have now is not for me. I don't deserve any of this.

Lord, I pray for direction in life. I wanna know what you want me to do. Let's have it your way this time. I wanna make things right in my life.


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